Craig Tanner
Sports Podiatrist
At the end of 2006 he moved to Qatar to develop a Podiatry service for the new Aspetar Sports Medicine Hospital. During this time the service grew from a single practitioner to a team of 5 with its own in-house CADCAM foot orthotic service.
In 2019 he moved to Dubai to head up the O&P Unit at Mediclinic City Hospital where he introduced fully digital designed and 3D printed foot orthoses.
Since 2021 he has been part of the Mediclinic Perform Sports Medicine team at Mediclinic Parkview Hospital- a multi disciplinary unit also comprising Sports Physicians, Sports Physiotherapists and Strength coaches.
His specialty is foot injury assessment, foot orthotic design and manufacture, gait analysis and clinical biomechanical assessments. He has a special interest in athletics and distance running and has worked closely with the highest level athletes from a wide variety of sports including athletics, tennis, squash, football, basketball and cricket both in Australia and the Middle East.